It’s 5:00 am and my alarm clock gently reminds me of the life I chose. I am a night owl by DNA (if that’s possible) and an early bird by choice. Since changing my life to a new schedule a few months back, things have changed for the better. Though I won’t go into detail in this post, you can read about it here.

This morning began like any other day.

I grabbed my clothes, put a cup in the Keurig and got started with my day. I sat down to my computer, as most days, and did something to fire myself up for the day. This usually means watching a video or reading an article.

Many entrepreneurs experience loneliness.

Working 14 – 16 hour days with little time to socialize can be wearing on a person. Networking and connections are a must, but with a schedule that allows for very little outside of family life, connecting with other people is very infrequent and can lead to loneliness. The times I get a chance to meet with friends is a welcome break from the grind.

Today, I was a little more fired up than usual, and then I realized why—I have three meetings today. One with a client, one with a potential client, and one with a friend. I love people and my energy spikes when I am around people. Just ask my wife how difficult to get me to go home after an evening with friends. I have definitely had to learn to put my families needs before mine.

I love people.

When I was in my late teens and early 20’s, I would go out every night. This is not an exaggeration. I honestly stayed home a handful of times in a year! We would go for coffee, go to the beach, have a bonfire, go to the park… always on the go.

I understand that we go through seasons, BUT if I live like no one else now, I can live like no one else later. 🙂

I will not sit back as time marches on.
I will not wait for things to fall into my lap.
I will not waste time on things that do not move me closer to my goals.
I will not work for money, money will work for me.
I will not sacrifice my relationships for gain.

I will enjoy life every step of the way.
I will destroy the excuses.
I will keep my sights on the prize.
I will do what others will not.
I will refuse to back down when the naysayers rise up.

I will keep on, keepin’ on.

As we journey, as we change, our relationships with others change. Those who we were once close to, we may no longer relate to. It’s all good—it’s part of life. Not everyone will understand your journey. Not everyone will relate. The important thing is to spend time and energy with those who are close to you and share a similar mindset.

Make time to network. Make time to hang out. Make time to rest.

All work with no play leads to loneliness, burnout, bitterness and will kill your passion. You MUST take time away from your work, even if you are like me and work 14 to 16 hours a day. They key is having diligent, focused time when you are working, so you don’t feel guilty when taking breaks.

When you are working—BE there.
When you are resting—BE there.
When you are hanging out with family & friends—BE there.

Live in the moment and cultivate your relationships. We need each other.

Have you ever gone through a season where you experienced loneliness or felt like no one understood you? Or maybe you have advice for someone going through a tough time. Please, comment below. Your words may change someones life!

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The Author

Ryan Boutin

Ryan Boutin

Entrepreneur and Marketer, Ryan is driven by a passion to help people grow their business. As CEO of Zeal Media Inc, a web development and marketing firm located in Saskatoon, Canada, Ryan's mission is simple; Implement custom strategies to launch small businesses to drastic growth. With a vision to reach more people, InspireCast was born.

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