Entrepreneur Articles
Read our collection of entrepreneur articles geared to streamlining, growing and inspiring greater success in your small business.

The Biggest Weakness of An Entrepreneur
I am an entrepreneur. I could not imagine myself doing anything else. I love to make decisions and see ideas grow into reality. I get bored very easy with the same old daily grind and am always thinking how to make things better. I know if I weren’t living the

Initiate Real Change: The Key to Quick, Lasting Change
There are two kinds of people: those who pull the bandaid off slowly and those who waste no time pulling that sucker off. Who are you? I was fortunate to spend much time at the lake when I was a kid. We lived 15 minutes from the lake. Our family

How to Handle Negative Criticism
What to do when someone criticizes your work or words. So your latest masterpiece is under attack. It hurts right? Do either of these thoughts keeps running through your mind? “I deserve more respect.” Or: “I guess I am a failure after all.” If so, you have too small a