20 Proven Tips for Marketing your Small Business on Facebook
1. Use the 80/20 Rule.
If customers and potential customers are only hearing about your business, they will unlike your Page very quickly. Use the 80/20 rule—post 80% engaging content that is related to your industry and local area and only 20% about your business, products and services. You will find people are more receptive if they don’t feel like they are constantly being marketed to. Be real in your posts. Let your personality shine through. People are more willing to buy products from people they know and trust.
2. First videos, then photos, then links and status updates.
Facebook goes through various trends of what works and what doesn’t. Currently, posting videos gets the most traction and reach, followed by photos. Videos on Facebook now auto-play when they are fully visible in the user’s viewport (current viewing area). This means that when the user scrolls by the video, it begins playing without audio unless it is clicked on. What many people do is put in titles and subtitles. This grabs the attention of the people who view without clicking. It drastically improves the interactions and engagements between the user and the Page. This translates into more views, likes, comments and shares and thus, more reach.
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